Fighting Human Trafficking Program
According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, Florida consistently ranks 3rd among the rest of the states for the highest call volume to the hotline. In addition, Tampa is a major hub for transportation of international and domestic goods, wealthy buyers, and host to major events, a perfect breeding ground for traffickers. These factors, among others, have created a massive need for services specifically for survivors of human trafficking.
The goal and objective of the Fighting Human Trafficking program is to offer safe housing for survivors and their families along with linking survivors to other wrap around services. The Fighting Human Trafficking program is structured to offer short-term (3-6 months) and long-term housing (6-24 months). In partnership with vetted network of 100 health and human services agencies and local law enforcement, United Way of Pasco offers direct service case management to adult male and female survivors of human sex and labor trafficking.
Program provides clients with the following services:
Coordination to a shelter at a safe distance from the site of the exploitation
Transitional housing
Long-Term Housing
Referral and occasional funding to mental health counseling at “For the Love of You”, physical health, legal assistance, job placement, education, substance abuse recovery, and family reunification
Liaison with law enforcement
Coordination with various community agencies for other required services
For immediate and emergency assistance please call 911, the United Way of Pasco referral line (727) 845-3030,
or the National Human Trafficking Hotline 1-888-373-7888.
To learn more about the Fighting Human Trafficking Program
please contact Ben Ortberg, Program Manager.
P: 727-992-0554
E: bortberg@unitedwaypasco.org